my stuff. others’ stuff.

Figuring out what is your stuff and what is other people’s stuff can be a lifelong journey.

But rather than lament, why not use the stuff that you are presented with – as a self-actualization tool – to get to know yourself, and understand what you have taken on, whether in the form of belief systems, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, even physical items, that really are not truly you.

Sometimes we are fed “things” that are not for our highest good because that other person was trying to nourish us, and cultivate this space where we were protected from “bad things.” So this seemingly good advice from well-intentioned persons or places tried to impart wisdom to us based on their own experience of life.

Yet, we are all different, and we all have unique experiences and unique perspectives, and we will react or act in life in uniquely different ways.

So can anybody truly tell us what stuff is for our highest good?

Without consciously going within, and checking in to your TruthLoveMeaningPurpose, how would you ever know if it truly belongs in Your Universe? How would you know if this is what is confusing you and messing you up inside? You might be too scared to go outside the confines of this safe world where you’ve been taught certain things. But you wouldn’t even know there’s another way because that’s all you know. This other way or perspective of other’s stuff that has been presented to you. This other way or stuff becomes jumbled up with the other “stuff” you have been fed or you have digested along the way—unknowingly, unwittingly, subconsciously.

So how do you separate what’s your stuff, truly, from other people’s stuff that doesn’t truly belong to you?

I’m encouraging you today to just stop and pull over to the side of the road. To your road. To the path that you’re traveling on. No more coasting or rolling stops, thinking that will help you to sort this all out.

Sometimes we need to come to a screeching halt to stop the madness and craziness of this old way of doing things and holding onto stuff or keeping stuff, and put the brakes on—even just for awhile.

When we take the time to do this, it will shift our perspective.

You might examine a physical item that represented something you took on that was really not your stuff, such as a letter you promised to write to somebody or something you promised to return, or a call you promised to make, or something you promised to fix. You took it on out of the goodness of your heart because you had good intentions to complete the task you had been asked to do and you thought you could do it pretty easily. Perhaps this project you took on was not really your project to complete or do. Perhaps it is meant be returned to the holder of the stuff who must deal with it, and perhaps you can let go trusting and holding this person capable of handling their own stuff.

It’s okay to return the stuff and renegotiate your agreement with that person or place, and let it go, once and for all. Then, you can go back to your stuff, and focus on and deal with your stuff.

So stopping to question “Is this my stuff or somebody else’s stuff?” will reveal deep answers to why we do what we do, and who we are. Keep asking WHY to the answer that bubbles up … don’t judge what comes up but allow the WHY, WHY, WHY to reveal the TruthLoveMeaningPurpose … and you’ll get to the bottom of why you are holding on to the stuff, and if it’s truly your stuff to hold on to.

Yes, indeed, figuring out what is your stuff and what is other people’s stuff can be a lifelong journey, but the aha moments and insights can come instantaneously, where you are inspired and excited to let go of more and more … until you are truly free.

Sending you all major miracles on this road you’re traveling on – and wishing clarity to sort it all out, let go of the stuff that doesn’t truly belong so you can lead a life you love, love, love!

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