gratitude. appreciation. miracles.

Gratitude. Appreciation. Miracles.

I don’t think I’ll ever tire of sunsets now that I’ve been introduced to them.

They’ve been here from the beginning of time, millions of years ago. Yet I only became aware of them, really aware, when I pushed the pause button on what I was doing to take the time to silence my mind, stop what I was doing to look, stare, be in the moment and be at one with the sun that was setting.

Another day where the sun seemingly goes away in our world yet appears in another’s world. Another day to take pause, appreciate what we have, be grateful for the events, encounters and experiences of today—this special day—that will never be again.

To me, that’s truly miraculous.

There will never ever be a day like today.

There will never ever be a sunset like this. There will never ever be this moment like now.

Stop. Pause.

Look right now at what’s in front of you, truly. No—not at the screen, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.

Life is happening right in front of you, here and now.

The baby crying because it’s hungry or upset. The vacuum cleaner sweeping the carpet of dirt. The zenlike music playing in the background. The dark chocolate on my desk begging to be eaten. The pen waiting to be picked up to write that thank you card that I’ve been meaning to write. The headsets that are tangled desiring to be straightened out and put into their proper place so I can hear. The book wanting to be read to teach me another lesson.

Stop, pause, listen, see, be.

Miracles. Gratitude. Appreciation.

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