
Mar 16, 2015

Thank you for the dramatic improvements in my home and how I feel. I truly can’t believe that this is the same apartment, and I can’t believe that just two weeks ago, the place was virtually untenable. I have to admit, I am still using paper/plastic cups and plates because I don’t trust myself to get the dishes washed. Maybe that will change but I don’t see it happening any time soon. I guess it’s better than clutter even if environmentally not the best choice . . . It is weird and wonderful almost hearing an echo in my bathroom. What a trip. I don’t think the bathroom has been like that since I first moved her. I am so glad we are moving forward. My home feels so much better. Feeling a little dazed and surprised by all the sleep but much refreshed as well. Thank you so much again and God Bless!

K.C., Ph.D., psychologist

Ruth Otero

Mar 16, 2015

I was hoping to respond with a double miracle but I’ll name a couple of good ones. The day after we organized I got a holding fee check for a commercial I shot over the summer. Then I booked a commercial last week! Hallelujah! I thought I was going to book another one this week but alas … Meanwhile I still have boxes to “go through” but my apartment feels like a hotel. I LOVE my apartment now and still can’t believe it when I walk in. Thank you so much for helping make that radical change. I know it’s made and continues to make a difference in my thinking. I still have to let myself believe. But the apartment is proof that I’m ready for bigger and better things. I’m going to let go of more stuff and get grounded for a fresh start in the new year!

Ruth Otero, actress/writer


Mar 16, 2015

Where to begin? My sister left yesterday and my closet has stayed very orderly—which is quite an accomplishment because generally the week after houseguests, my closet would have disintegrated into a pile of ‘I don’t know what!?’ My sister was blown away by it all—and asked me to come to her house to teach her! And I received the nicest compliment from her: ‘You have the calmest house with a child that I’ve ever been in. I usually associate a child with chaos, and yours is so calm.’ It really highlighted the progress I’ve made—sometimes it’s hard for us to keep in touch with the baby steps, and to have her say that really made me feel like I’m in a different place now . . . closer to my goal of having my private self match my public self! Regarding my wardrobe . . . well . . . I can’t say that I love getting dressed now. I’m still standing there thinking that I have nothing to wear, BUT there are a few huge differences. It’s made me more mindful of the fact that it’s really just as easy to put on something nice as it is to put on a pair of sweats. Before I felt a sense of hopelessness, like I didn’t know where to begin. Now I feel like I see much more clearly what I don’t have and what I’d like. I’ve always liked the idea of buying a few wonderful pieces, rather than a ton of mediocre pieces, but never felt like I could see clearly enough to make a commitment. The temptation was always to just ‘stretch my dollar’ and get as much as I could with it, hoping that would fill the gaping holes. Now I feel like I can be more patient, that I can look at the process, that I can build upon it over a few birthdays, Christmases, windfalls, etc. . . . I’m thrilled with my shopping list, and I’m actually looking forward to my next shopping experience. I used to LOVE to shop, but I’ve been shopping so long with my ‘old script.’ It wasn’t working anymore and I would get so depressed. I can’t wait to shop with my ‘new script!’ And it was VERY interesting to look back and see how close my ‘closet work’ mirrored the goals I expressed at the beginning. I feel like the next step is to really focus on my money/time organization, so that the riches to support my goals will flow in!

J.W., website designer/mother/wife


Mar 16, 2015

You’ve really helped me to make a big difference in my life – I never knew about boxes before, the way boxes can set you free, they can create a path through clutter. I’m still not used to thinking that way, but I’m starting to get it—I used to see hopelessness when I saw clutter. Now I know there’s always boxes. If nothing else, even if I can’t completely let go, I can at least put it in boxes for the time being. It breaks everything loose. Thanks for showing me how you see things.

Judy, social worker

Debra Orenstein

Mar 7, 2015

I had a lot of resistance when I first hired June, but June remained cheerful, positive, undeterred, and understanding. My grumpiness and your patience helped to show me that organizing my home office was about a lot more than moving paper around—it was about ordering my life. You have made an enormous difference materially and spiritually—clear surfaces and a clear mind; letting go of old paperwork, clutter, and systems that don’t work well; and letting in the new and the now. One translation of the word ‘religion’ is ‘orientation’—i.e., religion at its best helps people find their place in the world. Organizing, at least when it is done by June, is a religious and spiritual experience. The systems work because they create a space and home for everything—including the wishes, dreams, wants, needs, and personality of the person who is getting organized.

Debra Orenstein, rabbi / author / Life Cycles I and Life Cycle II

Nancy Jean Smith

Mar 7, 2015

I truly am thankful . . . your work has transformed my life in so many ways. And you are so right . . . the miracles keep happening . . . I have been working in Eastern Europe, Bulgaria, Hungary, and it’s been wonderful. Thanks June for all you’ve taught me. It is helping me so much! You are such a blessing!

Nancy Jean Smith, PhD, associate professor / California State University Stanislaus

Randall McCormick

Mar 7, 2015

I continue to make great progress on my boxes and am shooting for having the entire apartment done by the end of the year. With your support and encouragement, I have no doubt I will make it! Your energy and infectious enthusiasm keep me inspired in the process of reinventing myself! Look forward to seeing you in the new year for some more of your magic!  p.s. I love my new bedroom!

Randall McCormick, screenwriter / Speed 2, Titan AE


Mar 7, 2015

It’s a new day and thank you for your energy and gifts. I feel and see much possibility – limitless. I sure wish I didn’t have to go to work today because I’m feeling organizing mania for my home and life, have been tweaking around this morning but gotta do other stuff and I sense how much room there is going to be for all that stuff I have to do. All will be fitting in better and flowing more smoothly now.

Knowing that the illumination would not wear off, I can see things that I can do, I just need the time to do it, and I get happiness just from being able to see it and know that I can do it. What you said that your physical world is the one thing you can control, that really hits home, a timely idea for me. A wonderful realization. Changing the way the mind works is iffy but picking up a useless homeless object and taking it down to the curb – that at least I can do – to make my life freer and easier. It’s clear enough. Ideas I’m finding soooo helpful and meaningful. To only keep it if it’s a really love it, that’s a good one! That each and every thing has its home – anything I can’t put in its home, I can put into the trash or out to the curb, or send to Goodwill … it’s a good way of sorting things. Effortless and easy – a paradigm for how things should be – for example, getting rid of clutter – I tended to think of it as drudgery but it need not be experienced that way. Does it express my truth? That one is deep and powerful.

Even though I haven’t had much time to implement the ideas, in the short amount of time I’ve had, I’ve created a lot of space.  Taking the dog crate, chair out of the kitchen, the Arrowhead thing blocking that door for 10 years, I didn’t give a thought … it’s wonderfully weird to be able to walk through the door without having that constrict my movements to avoid running into things.  The systems – they are terrific! It’s exciting to think and realize that it’s just barely the beginning of what’s possible and yet it feels so good and powerful.

J.W., social worker/mother

Nancy Park

Mar 7, 2015

Thank you so much for all that you have taught to me. I am so excited to begin implementing all that I heard yesterday, not only in the classroom, but in my life. Last night as I tried to finish up report cards, all these thoughts and anxieties came up. Then I remembered what you had said. Now I know that even thoughts have a home. I believe everything has a purpose. It was by God’s design that these chain of events happened. Now through your teachings and faith in God, I know I can be a success in all my roles. Thank you for your prayers and uplifting words. I hope to meet you again for more insights once I’ve started on my home.”

Nancy Park, teacher