
March 16, 2015 9:52 pm Published by

Thank you for the dramatic improvements in my home and how I feel. I truly can’t believe that this is the same apartment, and I can’t believe that just two weeks ago, the place was virtually untenable. I have to admit, I am still using paper/plastic cups and plates because I don’t trust myself to get the dishes washed. Maybe that will change but I don’t see it happening any time soon. I guess it’s better than clutter even if environmentally not the best choice . . . It is weird and wonderful almost hearing an echo in my bathroom. What a trip. I don’t think the bathroom has been like that since I first moved her. I am so glad we are moving forward. My home feels so much better. Feeling a little dazed and surprised by all the sleep but much refreshed as well. Thank you so much again and God Bless!

K.C., Ph.D., psychologist

This post was written by June