
December 20, 2015 4:42 pm Published by

I wanted to thank you for writing Behind the Clutter and share with you how the book and especially the guided exercises have helped me to 1) get random thoughts out of my head, 2) begin listening to (getting in touch with) my heart, and, 3) in a structured format, write about my goals and dreams and hopes for myself. For example the “purpose” series of exercises helped me identify and actually face the fact that there are areas in my home that are filled with “forgotten” stuff that was mainly collecting dust (instead of fulfilling its purpose). Long story short, I donated several items to my local charity that supports victims of domestic violence. The representative with the charity was excited to receive the books & Christmas-related items. So now instead of collecting dust, taking up space, and making me feel badly, the books will be read and the Christmas items will all go to people who want and will use and enjoy them. I truly believe that, because of your book, both me and my home will be starting the new year celebrating who we are today and enjoying the space created by letting go of who we were.

K.C., academic program specialist

This post was written by June