message from the june-iverse!

Hello Everybody!

Thank you so much for stopping by, and welcome to my online home for all things June!

I’ve been traveling around this June world for years—curating, creating, and creating a life I love, love, love—and I have to say, it’s been quite an amazing rollercoaster ride!

Through this new home of my website, I’d love to share with you all the different trips I’ve taken within and without—the journeys I’ve been honored to be a part of, the people I’ve met, and of course, the June brand that continues to evolve and transform each day. I hope it serves as inspiration for your own journey.

This website has been a long time coming. The truth is that I was afraid to reveal all the different parts of me, for fear of what you’d think if you really knew all the stuff that I was made of. So I found myself decluttering my belief systems, fears, thoughts, and doubts about that stuff first, so I could be free and clear—unimpeded and clutter-free—to share all parts of this June-iverse with you!

So yes, I’m still decluttering right here in front of your very eyes and heart. I’ve tried to make your travels through the June website as easy as possible, so please feel free to reach out to me if the pathways feel cluttered to you!

In short, I think there’s something for everyone, since I am passionate about so many things—all connected to creating a life and business you love, love, love!

On the About page, you’ll learn all about me and the different roles I play in life.

The Inspiration page is my favorite, as it contains all the stuff I hope will inspire you to feel deeply, and to move you ever closer toward your unique TruthLoveMeaningPurpose in both your inner and outer lives.

  • Miracle Stories will include people’s stories about the miracles big and small that have happened in their own lives.
  • Dear June is something I’ve always wanted to do, as the Dear Abby and Ann Landers columns have always been huge inspirations to me ever since I was little. Here I will be answering any questions about everything and anything!
  • In Fav Stuff, I’ll be sharing my very favorite things with you via Pinterest and Instagram.
  • Finally, Musings will be my “blog” about everything I’m passionate about, from business, productivity, and time management, to organizing and decluttering the home, to fashion, food, and design.

On the Book page, you’ll find out about my first book, Behind the Clutter, which has taken me more than ten years to write and publish. YAY—it’s finally out in the world and I’d love for you to read it and get inspired about your own decluttering journey!

On the Happenings page, I will keep you apprised of all book signings, media appearances, and speaking engagements, in case you’d like to join me wherever I’m going to be.

Media is a quick link for anybody in the media world to easily access whatever information they need about me.

And Connect provides ways for us to stay connected in this amazing world!

So I hope you enjoy your “joy and inspiration ride” through the June-iverse!

Sending you all miracles!!!

