love conquers all.

Love knows no boundaries. Love conquers all.

Congratulations to LOVE being honored in every state.

Congratulations to all my friends who can get married now and can’t wait to go to all your weddings now!

The consciousness is shifting and I’m so excited to be a part of this movement, shifting the mindset of people everywhere to be all-inclusive and not excluding anybody because of their race, gender, sex, ethnicity, beliefs. We must demonstrate compassion for ourselves though first and foremost before we can express it outwards. If you are still feeling hate & intolerance & judgment towards the external, that means that somewhere inside of you, there is intolerance, hate, anger & judgment towards yourself. If you investigate and go deeper, you will see the darkness within the light of your all-encompassing boundless and infinite HEART.

Let’s celebrate LOVE today and wherever it shines. Let it shine LIGHT on your world today.

Love & light,

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