Rebecca Kodama

Mar 16, 2015

I love that you go out and help people live their life to the fullest. I’m forever grateful to you for setting up systems in my life.  I’m still putting things in the white Staples boxes when I can’t get to them right away and still have the store for my boys to get their office supplies.  And Daniel still remembers ‘the Organizing Maniac’ and set up homes at his apartment for things he frequently misplaces, like his phone, sunglasses, and keys. And you taught him that stuff when he was only 11 – nine years ago! Thank you so much! 

Rebecca Kodama, writer / mother / wife


Mar 16, 2015

When you questioned me about my business books on the bookshelves, I couldn’t believe it. When you questioned me about the paintings, I couldn’t believe it. You gotta be kidding me. Those were all valuable. Now I believe you when you bring something up. I know there’s something more deeper to your questions. I realize that you have this magic eye that knows exactly where the clutter spots are. How do you do it? I don’t know and I don’t care. For now, I feel so free knowing that you have given me a system to let go of all this stuff that I thought that I needed that I really don’t anymore. I feel free knowing that I don’t need to keep any of this other stuff that may be holding me back from fulfilling my greatest potential. Thank you so much!

G.T., real estate entrepreneur

Cindy Johnson

Mar 16, 2015

After working with June to declutter my life, I am experiencing a freedom I remember as a child . . . born of traveling lightly in this life. The freedom is incredible! It is the freedom to soar and to be released from the weights of life and the stuff, which insidiously serves to hold us back from reaching our greatest potential. I told June that at my age, I am the happiest I have ever been. Thanks to June, my personal and professional lives are in order. Now my pursuits don’t get buried under a pile of to-do’s and half-finished project drawers. I was able to start taking fencing lessons—something I had wanted to pursue for 20 years! June is a gardener . . . she helps pull up weeds in one’s life, lays rich soil as foundation, and then plants seeds of inspiration and passion into one’s life . . . either way, even after one afternoon with June, one’s life will be transformed.

Cindy Johnson, attorney